Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Spring Is Just Around the Corner

Starting Our Seeds Indoors – Let Spring Begin!

It’s always such an incredible feeling each year to finally start putting seeds into the soil. It gives you that sense Spring is finally close at hand! So what if there is still a little snow on the ground outside from yet another passing storm system - once you put a few seeds into soil, it’s time to grow! We finally planted the first of them yesterday – our ornamental peppers. The Ornamental Peppers tend to take a little longer to germinate and grow to full maturity – so we like to give them an additional head start by planting in Mid-February. read more...

Spring Cleaning is on it's Way!
I hate spending money on a cleaner for the glass, one for the walls, one for the floor, one for the toilet, one for the shower, there is an all purpose cleaner than is good for all of this and much more read 45 Uses for Vinegar

Teaching Children About Money
Teaching your kids about money is an important lesson that should be taught early. How early? Many experts recommend starting as early as 3 years old, teaching simple concepts, such as: what is money, how you need money to buy things and money is earned by working. read more...